Myofascial Cupping in Adelaide

Myofascial Cupping is a soft tissue therapy where the skin is lifted and separated by means of suction created inside of a sterile cup. The cup or area being treated may be moved creating a lifting effect on the fascia. Myofascial Cupping is typically applied to the back, shoulders, arms, hips, legs, and abdomen.

Myofascial Cupping can help with the relief of muscle tension & spasms, chronic pain, back or hip pain, frozen shoulder and help improve flexibility and range of motion of connective tissues.

If you’re looking for Myofascial Cupping in Adelaide, talk to the team at Peake Massage & Movement today!


Benefits of Myofascial Cupping

Myofascial Cupping can help with a multitude of injuries, and the imrpovement/treatment of musculoskeletal pain or tension. Some of the benefits include:

  • Relief of Muscle Soreness & Pain

  • Improve Range of Motion in Joints

  • Increases Blood Circulation

  • Improves healing rate of injuries

Who Should Get Myofascial Cupping?

Cupping is suitable for anyone experiencing muscular pain or discomfort. Through the suction of the cups we are increasing circulation and plasma extravation as the fascia is drawn into the cupped area. While the force from the suction breaks small capillaries (blood vessels) under the skin, your body will treat the cupped area like an injury and send more blood to the area which will trigger your bodies natural healing process.

The treatment is pain free, but will leave marks for several days afterwards.

Contact the team at Peake Massage & Movement today for Myofascial Cupping in Adelaide!