Pilates in Adelaide

Pilates is physical exercise that involves isolating specific deep muscle groups that are generally associated with weakness or poor posture. Regular Pilates is proven to help strengthen muscle weakness and increase strength using a range of body weight and resisted exercises.

For people seeking a low impact exercise that provides fantastic results, Pilates is the perfect option.

At Peake Massage & Movement we run one on one pilates classes designed to help strengthen muscles, avoid injuries, and increase flexibility.


Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is the perfect low impact exercise which can help with postural alignment, muscle balance, and core strength. And while pilates may look like simple stretches, it will definitely leave you feeling like you’ve had a great workout.

  • Improves Flexibility

  • Improves Muscle Strength

  • Improves Your Posture

  • Increase Your Energy Levels

  • Promotion of Weight Loss


Who Should Do Pilates?

Pilates is the perfect exercise for anyone looking to improve their posture, strength, mental health, flexibility or lose weight. Pilates is suitable for every body regardless of gender, age, size, ability or current fitness level.

At Peake Massage & Movement we can tailor the perfect pilates session to suit you.

If you’re looking for one on one pilates classes in Adelaide, get in contact with Peake Massage & Movement today!